Felicity has been with us for 5 months.  5 months as a family of 6. 5 months of having a daughter. In those 5 months we have travelled to the other side of the world, just my husband and I.  We experienced a different culture.  We saw one of the Wonders of the World.  We ate GREAT Chinese food.  We toured Little Flower Projects, where some of the most medically needy orphans are cared for and thriving.  We travelled to our daughter's Province.  She was placed in our arms.  We toured her orphanage.  We travelled to another city and spent time with some amazing adoptive families.  We journeyed home.

The trip was incredible.  Life changing.

But, not as life changing as what was to come after we came home.

I always thought I had a heart for orphans.

A few weeks after we came home from China, I was sitting down to finalize our adoption expenses spread sheet.  I added the last of the expenses from our time in China and I hit the sum button.  I was a little bit shocked, well, amazed at God's goodness is a better way to describe it . . .

I have debated about NOT writing this post.  In fact, I was not going to.  There are parts of Felicity’s story that are hers and should only be hers.  So, when this urge to write my thoughts and feelings about March 7th came, I dismissed the desire and call to write and was silent.  But, after watching The Drop Box for the second time last night, I knew I needed to write about the day Felicity was abandoned.

The last few days have been full of fun here!  Felicity turned 2 on Wednesday and then we promptly got a snow storm on Thursday; certainly nothing that rivals what the New England states have seen the last few months, but enough to have everything in the DC metro area come to a screeching halt.

Here are a few glimpses into our days . . .

Blowing out the birthday candles . . .

Fun in the snow . . .

Taking aim . . .

Two years ago today, a little girl was born on the other side of the world.

Two years ago today, my life changed.  But I did not yet know it.

Two years ago today, there was joy, and I am sure confusion and sadness. Decisions were beginning to be made.

Two years ago today, God started to write our family into the story of another child.

The documentary movie, The Drop Box, is out in theaters today for three days only; March 3, 4th and 5th.  I will not detract from this beautiful film by filling this post with many words.  I will simply implore you to see it.  The film is about Pastor Lee, who built a drop box for women to leave unwanted children.  Take a moment to watch this trailer.

Pete and I were blessed to see it in a special screening a month ago.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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