His name (and a picture too)!
It took us a while to figure out a name for our little guy.
Only the Good Stuff: Multivitamins For Your Weekend {03.15.2025} Happy, happy, happy weekend! Let yourself smile, be crazy inspired, laugh, love & really live the gift of this lifejust a little bit more this weekend… Smi...
Week in Review: Spring Weather, Pay the Groomers, and Naked Day Laughs
Happy Friday! This week the weather has been so lovely, with temps getting
up to fifties which is play-outside-in-shorts-and-tshirts weather if you're
[REPLAY] When Prayer Feels Dry: How to Stay Faithful in the Silence This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit daniellebean.substack.com This is a BONUS episode of the podcast. Full access is available fo...
Vegan Lemon Curd This is the best vegan lemon curd recipe you will ever find, with a sweet tangy flavor and just 3 ingredients! Easy vegan lemon curd Once you discover ho...
DIY Printable Jesse Tree Blocks The Jesse Tree is a beautiful tradition that our family cherishes each year! The Jesse Tree is a wonderful Advent tradition that many Christians use to pre...
Embracing new goals for happiness in running and life The last time I wrote a post of goals for the year was 2020. Well, we all know how that turned out. Since then, my goals have been more along the lines o...
One More
"What's one more?" dismisses one.
"What? One *more*?!” gasps another. I inhale, the weight of the words
pressing heavy, down to that vulnerable place that...
Sean Penn: The Vatican Should Impeach Evangelicals. Wait. What? This is the most confused I’ve been since the last time Sean Penn said anything about…well, anything. So, in light of the fact that many evangelicals suppo...
rules for dating our sons (nine boys yikes!) RULES FOR DATING MY Son…(just changed some words around from this post) *1. Make sure he KEEPS His HANDS TO **HIMSELF**.* a) Hand holding and friendly hu...
Screwdrivers, Autism Evaluations, and a Collapsing High Chair
I have big news but first a smaller story about our tiniest kid.
There was a day last week when this girl was walking around the house with
a toy screwdri...
St. Brigid Irish Tater Tot Nachos
St. Brigid feast day is February 1. National Tater Tot day is February 2.
When two dates collide and an idea is born. I have a soft spot for the
tater ...
Funny Guy Friday... The Men's Retreat * Funny Guy Friday is written by my husband Mark. So I married a funny guy...* Welcome back everyone to the new and improved Funny Guy Friday. I ...
Happy New Year!
Today is the first day of the Liturgical New Year and if that doesn't say
"fresh start" I don't know what does! It's very difficult for me to get on
here t...
Elementary Astronomy Lesson Plans I've had a fairly unproductive summer. To be honest, I've struggled with a bit of depression--partly for a personal reason and partly because we lost our b...
The Fourth Such fun. We all gathered at Victoria’s apartment in downtown Birmingham to watch the fireworks that are set off yearly at the Vulcan. But first, a stroll....
There's No Such Thing as a Bad Boy - Infusing the Language of Virtue Into
Conversations With Our Kids
Several years ago our family watched the movie, Boys Town, which has since
become a family favorite! When I heard Fr. Flannagan proclaim, "There is
no s...
Favorite Sweater Granny Stripe Blanket
March is National Crochet Month, believe it or not. It's also National
Celery Month. I'm pretty sure you can just make up whatever celebration or
What’s a good next book? So I’m ready to write again. I don’t want to wait as long this time as I did between books one and two. Got any ideas for me? xo The post What’s a good n...
Hey, I Started a Tiny Liturgical Living Show, plus Reminders for Advent and
the Feast of St. Andrew
Hey guys!
Advent is JUST around the corner. In fact, today is the feast of St.
Andrew, which, for us, kicks off our Advent traditions. (Even though Sunday ...
"I'm moving!" To a new blog...
Please remember that I am now at LeilaMiller.net and I am blogging there
(slowly at first; hope to pick it up soon!)
Howdy, friends!! Long time no s...
{Happy Birthday to you...}
Clara's birthday was the last morning we were at the cabin. We made
cinnamon coffee cake for breakfast and added candles for her. This girl is
growing up ...
7 Quick Takes. Sick kids, cute pic, and sad football stories...
I'm linking up with Kelly at *This Ain't The Lyceum * to give you this
week's quick takes. Are you ready?
Oh gosh.
This week has been a hard wee...
Wednesday Daybook
*In the great outdoors...*
...though the date says it's almost mid-October, the weather is still in
Indian Summer. We're having highs in the low 80s and th...
A Beatrix Potter 5th Birthday
*(Wow... do I still remember how to do this? It's been ages since I've
blogged. I was complaining to a friend about some recent requests for books
from the...
Marathon Training week 7 This marks the start of phase two! Week 7, 11 more to go! March can't get here soon enough. Monday: 5 easy miles. It was icy and I bit it, lol. AND it was ...
Another year older... Happy 12th Birthday, beautiful girl! On this day 12 years ago we welcomed our third child into our family! Being the third child and second daughter in...
Learning Notes: April: II
Sunday was Family Sunday at the seminary so we went to Mass there and then
had lunch. They are always very welcoming but this time they were
especially co...
{this moment} 6 Months/First Meal
{this moment} A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor
Big News! I've thought about writing this post over the last few years. I've thought about the gifs I would use and the way it would feel and what an arrival it woul...
That time we brought 4 small kids to a bar party...
Jason and I are still really new to this small town. We only know a small
handful of people here. We haven't been invited to dinner (shocker!), we
haven't ...
Mama Needs Coffee has moved ... so come on over to Catholic News Agency and keep following along!
Kindness is Contagious! Catch It!
*“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see*.”
~Mark Twain
As Mark Twain so aptly infers, everyone comprehends when an act ...
Moving on...
Blossoming Joy has Moved! {Please check out my new site} In case you missed the first announcement... this blog has a beautiful new home! If you have enjoyed reading here, please come on over and make sure to fo...
Dear World: Let’s Stop Giving Our Crap to the Poor I was getting ready to leave for a trip to Kenya a couple of years ago, when a church emailed and asked if Mercy House had any specific needs. I quickly re...
Wallpaper HD Gallery http://tattoomods.com/ http://tattoomods.com/women-sleeve-tattoos/ http://tattoomods.com/traditional-tribal-tattoos/ http://tattoomods.com/tattoo-designs-...
We've moved! Hi, there, dear friends! We've moved this blog and we're settling in at a beautiful new space. Please join the housewarming over there and be sure to updat...
The Symbolism of the Divine Mercy Image
Hi, this is Sarah's husband, Eric. This is my first try at blogin' so bear
with me. Below is one of Sarah's drafts for a blog post that I Found and
Moving No, I'm not headed to a new house--we just did that. :) *The new and improved Just Showing Up is finally ready!* It's been a great seven-ish years with B...