Outside my window . . . .

It is a beautiful sunny day! It is windy and cold too, but the colors outside my window just cannot be beat.

I plan to . . . 

Well, I HAD planned to go to mass today.  But after dropping the boys off at their tutorial and then coming home to get Thomas dressed for mass (he is the only one that I cannot seem to get out of his pajamas in time), I could not find a pair of shoes for him!  I found three of his shoes. Three different shoes and I was fully prepared to take him to mass with two different shoes on (all pride is gone), but there was only one problem. Every single shoe I found was for the right foot!! So, somewhere in our house, or in one of the vans, are three left shoes.

Two years ago today, I was on the other side of the world.  I woke up too early.  Too excited and anxious to sleep.  My husband and I lay in bed, chatting about the day ahead of us.  After years of hoping and praying, the day that felt like it would only ever be in my dreams, was finally here.  It was really real.  And when a dream comes true, and you are in awe of God changing hearts and moving mountains to bring you to a moment, there is little more to do than to pray and praise.

She was born on a Tuesday during Primary season of the presidential election.  Once settled into my room, I remember the TV being on and the news was all about secured presidential nominations.  The following morning, I scrolled through my Facebook feed and there was a great deal of incredulity.  Despair and hopelessness even.  I quickly turned away from it and struggled to get out of the bed, to begin my c-section recovery.  I had a precious little baby, Hope, to take care of after all.

It has been a while since I have come here to update you all on life.  Even friends in real life say they don't see me much (I don't leave the house that often) and many only get to see Thomas and Hope through photos on Facebook.  I recognize that this is just our state in life right now.  I knew, in a way, that this time would feel like we were on a high speed train and it truly does.

When it comes to birth stories, most women do not write up, nor do I think they want to read about, scheduled c-sections. But, I want to remember the day and if I do not write it here to publish, it is unlikely that I will sit down for my own sake, and write, so bear with me as I recount the day.

As with most scheduled, repeat c-sections, the date was scheduled months in advanced.

40 days ago, Pete, Joshua and Thomas came home from China.  If you have not seen our video on Facebook, take a minute to watch it here.  I am biased, but I cry watching it. EVERY. SINGLE.TIME.  It, and all the photographs were taken by Nicoleinbold, LLC, an amazingly talented photographer I found through Red Thread Sessions.

Thomas's US Gotcha Day from Nicole Burmeister on Vimeo.

Right now, a mini miracle is occurring in our home . . . .

I have had to change the title of this post already.  I had grand plans to post days ago, but, you know, life with a new one is happening right now and I am at the mercy of his plans (really, HIS plans).   I have not written much since Thomas came home last week.  If you are on Facebook or Instagram, you will recognize most of these photos, as my phone is pretty much the only camera that comes out lately.

As 2016 approached, my anxiety of all that was to come this year began to increase.  Anytime I thought about it, I felt like we were headed for a journey on a high speed train.  And once we boarded, we would be whisked away on a crazy, amazing, and tiring journey that would be full adventure.

And as of last week Friday, I can say that we have boarded that train and it is beginning to pull out of the station . . .

I had thought of writing two separate posts.  One about our daughter's name and one about my word for the year, but really the two go together and I cannot tell the story of one, without the other.  And so, I will unravel both together.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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