5 months is such a short time.  5 months feels like forever.  We have been in our new state, new home for 5 months now.  Long enough for the excitement to wane and the honeymoon period to end, yet not long enough to feel like we are truly home.  

So I thought I would take a few moments to update everyone, and write mainly so I can remember just how our adjustment is going.  Like my previous post, when we were just weeks into the big move, we still love it here.  We love your home, neighborhood, church, and school.  They are all challenging adjustments at times, but, while I do not like to go by "feel", each place just feels right for our family, even if intellectually it doesn’t make a lot of sense.  

The kids are doing well over all.

In the business of the morning, attempting to get my gaggle of children ready for school and mass, I forgot that today was October 4th, one of my favorite feast days. But it seems that even in the craziness of the morning, God was planting seeds for me to better embrace the message that He had for St Francis so many ages ago. 

As I was attempting to make sure all of my children were awake this morning, I passed by our little library nook in our upstairs hallway.

The wedding feast at Cana is one of my favorite scriptures and on Thursday nights, when praying the family rosary, everyone knows not even to ask to pray the second luminous mystery. It’s mine.

And over the last few weeks, “Do whatever He tells you” seems to have invaded all my prayer times and quiet moments, and clearly I need to be reminded of it, in these days when back to school photos grace my social media feeds.

I love researching diets.  If it is new and popular, I probably have read about it some and maybe have even tried it.  Lately, fasting has gained popularity.  You can find books that will provide research on just how good fasting is for the body.  And, I have been intrigued, mainly because I am horrible at fasting and the thought of restricting myself from eating food completely sounds too extreme.

I find it ironic that the last post I posted was about our move that did not happen and how God wanted me to be moldable.  When I typed those words and prayed those words, "God make me moldable," "Move to Wisconsin" was NOT what I was envisioning.  But, sometimes God's will is surprising and unexpected.

So, here we are.  18 days as Wisconsinites.  So many people have called and texted, asking me how we are doing and I often find my words fall short.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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