The wedding feast at Cana is one of my favorite scriptures and on Thursday nights, when praying the family rosary, everyone knows not even to ask to pray the second luminous mystery. It’s mine.
And over the last few weeks, “Do whatever He tells you” seems to have invaded all my prayer times and quiet moments, and clearly I need to be reminded of it, in these days when back to school photos grace my social media feeds.
“Do whatever He tells you.”
When you are faced with other’s choices continually . . . . homeschooling, tutorials, co-ops, public school, private school. Work outside of the home, stay at home, or crafty etsy shop owner. Minimalist with a perfectly clean, tiny home, or not-so minimalist with a big home, and shelves lined with book after book. The differences can be dizzying. They can call into question what we are meant to do too. Am I truly making the right decision? I know I ask myself that. A lot. Especially in this time where so much has changed for our family. Am I doing the right thing? Should two of my kids really be in school? Should my other kids really be homeschooled? Am I doing enough? Why do I STILL have piles of unfolded laundry in my living room (some things don’t change)? It is so easy to look around and see what others are doing and get discouraged, or second guess what He is asking of you. But, Our Blessed Mother points us in the right direction.
Do whatever He tells you.
Not what your neighbor is doing. Not what your best friend is doing or the mom you look up to.
Do whatever He tells you.
And it may be different than what he told you last year. Or last week. Or even yesterday.
Do whatever He tells you.
That’s when the miracles happen. That is when the water turns to wine.
And I am pretty sure the servants questioned His direction . . . “Um, what? Why should we put water in the jars? How will that change anything??? There is NO wine.” Just as Peter questioned Jesus in today’s gospel when Jesus asked him to cast out in the deep. Peter had been fishing all night and had caught nothing. Why should he do what Jesus asked? All of the other fishermen were probably bringing in their empty boats and going home to get rest. Peter probably looked around and thought, I just want to go home. I want to do what the other fishermen are doing. It makes NO sense to cast my nets again.
Do whatever He tells you.
Yet, Peter did it. He cast his nets in the deep. The servants filled the jars with water, to the brim.
Do whatever He tells you.
And a miracle happened. The nets overflowed with fish. The best wine was served.
Do whatever He tells you.
It may not make sense. It may look very different from what others are doing. But, when you do whatever He tells you, He performs the miracles. In these days, when the shininess of the great beginnings fade from your memory and you may be questioning your choices, remember that when you do whatever He tells you, you are allowing Him to transform the ordinary into a miracle.
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