As soon as breakfast was over, she ran up to her room to get dressed.  She had laid out her pink leotard, pink tights, and ballet shoes.  She even found her “tutu pink” undies so that she matched perfectly.  She beamed with excitement; a day she had waited and hoped for for a while, she would be starting ballet for the first time.

We drove to the class and I looked in the rear view mirror to get a glimpse of her.  She practiced her arm movements as if she were already in class.  Not allowing her car seat to restrain her too much, she moved as if a soundtrack played in her ears; arms raising and lowering in  rhythmic motions. And her eyes sparkled.  She was so excited.  Three short years ago, her eyes were black and lifeless, but today they sparkled as if the world were hers.  She knows who she is, at least in this moment.  Beloved.  Beautiful. 

She was full of nervous excitement as the class began and I was too.  I stayed at the glass door and watched her as closely as I could.  My first girl at her first ballet class and I was mesmerized.  I watched her and remembered how far she has come, I felt Him whisper to me . . .

I came so that you may have life and have it more abundantly.

That sparkle in her eyes, that excitement for the promise of this day?  He wants me to have it too.  This abundant life He has given me, has brought life to my life-less eyes.  Do my eyes sparkle with the promise of abundant life each day?

“Mommy, put the sparkly barrette in my hair,” she says as she hands me the barrette her grandmother gave her.  

It’s a reminder to me of the crown He gives each of His daughters.  We are daughters of the King.  He places a crown on our heads.  We are jeweled because we are His beloved.  That barrette sparkled in her hair as the jewels in a royal crown.  Because she is royalty after all.  Daughter of the King.  This day, in the moment, she FEELS it.  And I am challenged to accept my royalty. My crown.  Felicity is adorned and beautiful, dancing into her rightful place as an heir to the kingdom.  I smile to myself.  As I watched her dance across the room, He nudges me again.

“Dance into YOUR inheritance.”

It seems a silly thought to me.  A sparkle in my eye, a crown on my head, dancing in freedom?  Oh, it feels like time and struggles and hurts have stamped the sparkle out and before I knew it, I took the crown off, not truly feeling royal at all.  And the freedom to dance left me long ago.  Too serious, too concerned of how silly I may look dancing.  Yet, He brought this precious little girl into my life.  Who in a short span of the first 18 months of her life, had the sparkle snuffed out, crown knocked off, and no time to dance either.  Yet, she is in front of me now, dancing into her inheritance.  A confidence in her that she knows she is special, and beautiful, and a daughter of the King.  My heart leaps.  It’s possible for me too.  Not just possible, but essential.  To know that He places jewels on my head and calls me His daughter.  That He has an inheritance for me that He is calling me to dance into.  It is never too late.  It isn’t too late for my daughter, once called by what she lacked.  And it isn’t too late for me either.  This dance, is a process.  One point in our lives, we step more into our inheritance but we are not totally there.  There is a deeper, wider, fullness He is waiting for us to enter.  There is a freedom He is calling us to.  A stand up straight, and carry yourself like the royalty that you are, sort of freedom.  A confidence that you are not defined by how the world has defined you, but by the name and position that He has given you. 

So, get your crown out the drawer you put it in, dust it off and place it back onto you head.  You are a daughter of the King.  You are royalty.  You are precious, and special and He has a special place for you.  A role that only you can fulfill.  He is nudging you to live more abundantly.  He is asking you to dance into your inheritance.


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We had no intention of taking our little kids into church today. Our diocese is not holding masses yet, just communion services and with Thomas still recovering from major surgery, we planned on taking turns going in with our older children and leaving the littles in the car. But, as we dressed for church, they did too. Dresses. Dress shirts. They were excited. And I did not want to quell that excitement, so we grabbed their masks and brought them all into the church.

After the rain finally stopped, I headed outside and picked these. They grow in random areas in our flower beds and aren’t too attractive, if I am honest. But, I just cannot consider the thought of ripping them out. I see them. I smell them, and I think of my grandmother. They used to grow on the side of my grandparents’ house. And every time I see these blooms, I am reminded of her. She’s been gone as long as I have been married and I still miss her.

This morning, after prayer with all of the kids, I laid my head on the kitchen table. Pete looked at me and said, “What would you like to do today?”

“I guess, go for a run,” I responded, with not too much enthusiasm. That half-hearted statement opened the door just enough for my husband to give me the kick I needed. And, he, very gently, forced me out the door.

It is Tuesday morning and we are home!  Thomas is happily playing with his sisters in the living room while I sit at the computer to type this.  I wanted to take a few minutes to write out our experience and to thank everyone who lifted prayers for us or were involved in some way in this whole process.

Thomas and I headed down to Milwaukee Thursday evening to check into the Ronald McDonald house.

I’ve been really struggling lately.  The lingering winter that just won’t seem to break into blooms and sun filled days, the death of a good friend, and the weight of decisions looming have made me feel more anxious and restless.  My kids were acting up this morning in the flurry of breakfast and school drop off.  But even before that, the voice in my head kept ringing.

As soon as breakfast was over, she ran up to her room to get dressed.  She had laid out her pink leotard, pink tights, and ballet shoes.  She even found her “tutu pink” undies so that she matched perfectly.  She beamed with excitement; a day she had waited and hoped for for a while, she would be starting ballet for the first time.

We drove to the class and I looked in the rear view mirror to get a glimpse of her.  She practiced her arm movements as if she were already in class.

5 months is such a short time.  5 months feels like forever.  We have been in our new state, new home for 5 months now.  Long enough for the excitement to wane and the honeymoon period to end, yet not long enough to feel like we are truly home.  

So I thought I would take a few moments to update everyone, and write mainly so I can remember just how our adjustment is going.  Like my previous post, when we were just weeks into the big move, we still love it here.

In the business of the morning, attempting to get my gaggle of children ready for school and mass, I forgot that today was October 4th, one of my favorite feast days. But it seems that even in the craziness of the morning, God was planting seeds for me to better embrace the message that He had for St Francis so many ages ago. 

As I was attempting to make sure all of my children were awake this morning, I passed by our little library nook in our upstairs hallway.

The wedding feast at Cana is one of my favorite scriptures and on Thursday nights, when praying the family rosary, everyone knows not even to ask to pray the second luminous mystery. It’s mine.

And over the last few weeks, “Do whatever He tells you” seems to have invaded all my prayer times and quiet moments, and clearly I need to be reminded of it, in these days when back to school photos grace my social media feeds.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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