This morning, after prayer with all of the kids, I laid my head on the kitchen table. Pete looked at me and said, “What would you like to do today?”
“I guess, go for a run,” I responded, with not too much enthusiasm. That half-hearted statement opened the door just enough for my husband to give me the kick I needed. And, he, very gently, forced me out the door.
A week ago I was sitting in the surgical waiting area, trying to keep myself busy while I counted down the moments until the next update, overwhelmed with anxiety. And, today, I headed out on the trails to run. A week later, I am still feeling the stress of the hospital stay and the effects of the worry that clouded my mind. Thankfully, my husband knows me well. He knows that a run restores me. Runs clear my mind, make my body feel alive. And when that happens, I am able to hear God better.
Halfway through the run, my body began to release the stress and I started to look around me. It was so GREEN. Ferns were unfurling their fronds, opening up to the hope of the sun. Buttercups were showing off their beauty amidst streams of water. Geese were tending to their goslings. And Christ began to whisper to me words spoken in the Gospel.
“ I tell you, do not worry . . . If even the smallest things are beyond your control, why are you anxious about the rest? Notice how the flowers grow. They do not toil or spin. But I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of them. . . . Do not be afraid any longer, little flock, your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom.”
Luke 12:22-32
What are you worrying about today? Are you worried about things opening back up and a dear friend or family member that could get sick? Are you nervous about how the closing of businesses will affect you financially? Maybe these things have already happened and your worry feels so unbearably real because life has been hard over the last few weeks. God is calling to you in the moment. Do Not Worry.
As I ran and witnessed life happening all around, God spoke Hope into me. There are so many things in this life that can cause us to lose hope, that can take our attention away from the one who gives hope, but as I ran, and my eyes were open to the spring of life around me, he reminded me that even as the world seems to spin out of control, He still is the master of life around me. He causes the sun to rise and fall. He is bringing spring and He wants you to know that. He wants to capture your attention and fill you with His peace.
Allow Him to capture your attention today. There is so much right now that seeks to capture us. Social media feeds that are filled with polarized viewpoints, that lead to stress and uncertainty. News reports that can be just as confusing. Allow His words to you to fill your heart. I am not sure how you best find Him, hear Him. But, seek Him today. If you are best captivated by Him in the tabernacle, find an open church and sit in His presence (and there are many open locally). If you best hear His voice outside, go! Today is a rare, gorgeous day here in Wisconsin. He is waiting for you. He desires to fill you with His unshakeable peace. Allow him to captivate you today.
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