We had no intention of taking our little kids into church today. Our diocese is not holding masses yet, just communion services and with Thomas still recovering from major surgery, we planned on taking turns going in with our older children and leaving the littles in the car. But, as we dressed for church, they did too. Dresses. Dress shirts. They were excited. And I did not want to quell that excitement, so we grabbed their masks and brought them all into the church. And, as we all stood in front of the priest and received blessings and Jesus, I was just so happy.
Today is Pentecost. Lord, send forth your spirit and renew the face of this earth.
There is so much hurt going on in our country right now. As we drove to mass, I prayed for the Holy Spirit to renew the face of this earth. End racism. End the violence. End the divisions in our church. Bring unity, Lord. The fact that racism still exists sickens me. The violence of riots saddens me. The division sewed how masses are happening or not happening, baffles me. And the urge to add my voice to the many voices sharing their own feelings about it all is strong.
But, this morning, in the quiet of the church, standing with my family, in front of the priest, God’s voice was stronger than the others. “Eyes on Me, Katie.” He is calling me to keep my eyes on Him. When there is a call by others to add my voice to theirs, Jesus is saying “Keep your eyes on Me.”
And that is why I have decided to stop the scroll, stop adding to the noise. I honestly believe that many are called to share their thoughts, opinions, etc to help bring about change through social media. But, I also clearly recognize that that is not where He is calling me.
Eyes on Him.
Because, keeping my eyes on Him will usher in the Holy Spirit more into my own life, and the lives of those around me. Peter, when he kept his eyes on the Lord, was able to walk on water. If I keep my eyes on Him, I can bring forth the Holy Spirit a little bit more in my corner of the world. And I know I cannot renew the face of the world, but the Holy Spirit can.
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